
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Clothing of the Future: Predictions from the Past and Present

Gotta love Ecouterre articles that spur a research trip into Youtube. To think that 80 years ago, fashion experts' predictions were to be so spot-on!

Innovation is predictable, perhaps? We now think of technology as a daily essential and it seems perfectly alright to merge technology with next-to-body items we use and carry every day. It is also intriguing to think about the potential of wearable technology to enable user-experience to reach higher levels.

It's interesting to think about all these advancements in the context of 'costume' and not so much in terms of practical everyday applications, though perhaps a breakthrough is soon to come. And it always helps to have a sense of humour when wearable technology crosses the ludicrous line.

Now to incorporate sustainability and eco-design into the futuristic mix...