
Friday, April 15, 2011

Where will you get your organic cotton from? | The Ethical Fashion Source

"Organic cotton production rises, but supply is still tight. Textile Exchange reports a 15% rise: India, Syria and Turkey lead.

Designers wishing to align their work with increasing consumer demand for the quality and luxury feel of organic cotton have to re-think their buying strategy – supplies of organic cotton are getting tight, and the leading sustainable textile organization is urging designers, brands and retailers to get closer to the growers. Textile Exchange says that working direct is the best way to ensure continued supplies with an ethical, organic growing and production chain..."

Continue reading: Where will you get your organic cotton from? | The Ethical Fashion Source

Gorgeous Jacinta

Jacinta wears the upcycled electric violet tunic made from a second-hand 100% polyester tank top and ombre-dyed Thai silk scarf (also second-hand), trimmed with finger-knitted acrylic yarn cording...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Greed is Not a Virtue by David Korten | Common Dreams

"We humans are living out an epic morality play. For millennia humanity’s most celebrated spiritual teachers have taught that society works best and we all enjoy our greatest joy and fulfillment when we share, cooperate, and are honest in our dealings with one another.

But for the past few decades, this truth has been aggressively challenged by a faith called market fundamentalism - an immoral and counter-factual economic ideology that has assumed the status of a modern state religion. Its believers worship the God of money. Stock exchanges and global banks are their temples. They proclaim that everyone does best when we each seek to maximize our individual financial gain without regard to the consequences for others.

In the eyes of a market fundamentalist, to sacrifice profit for some presumed social or environmental good is immoral. The result is a public culture that proclaims greed is a virtue and sharing is a sin..."

Continue reading...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

New Life for the Art of Lace-Making -

New Life for the Art of Lace-Making -

Lace is certainly a specialty fabrication where perhaps the less mass-produced, the more precious it is. In this case, handcrafting in the production process has not yet been adequately replicated/replaced by the machine.

There is also a marked difference between the authentic French/Swiss-produced versions and the stuff produced elsewhere, but perhaps only fabrication nuts would spot this? Perhaps one day Chinese manufacturers will catch up?

When such intricacies are designed into product, do potential consumers realise, or even want to know, about the painstaking labour that has produced this object (be it a garment or accessory) that they have purchased?

Is there a degradation of authenticity and therefore perceived value, when something so trendy/trend-driven explodes into the mass market, or trickles down-market?

How can sustainable fashion designers deal with this barrier of perception and create genuine understanding of the products' value?

As a consumer, would you choose to chase after the real stuff, and pay more? Or just be content with the cheaper and less beautifully-made copy/substitute?

From a design perspective, would you incorporate lace into your product? Is it a sustainable fabrication, and does it have longevity? Or is it simply too difficult to work with/care for? How could we possibly innovate and use newer technologies to produce an alternative that fulfills more sustainability criteria? Laser-cutting, or 3D printing, perhaps?

I have been chasing after vintage Victorian hand-made lace blouses for a while doubt, inspired by the current explosion of lace in fashion, and wanting to acquire for myself, something truly vintage/authentically  handmade, so as to see the difference between the old and the new...